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Tidigare konserter

If All the World Were Paper 22.1.2019Café Barock;Kulturrestaurant Kivi, Keskustori 2, Tammerfors
If All the World Were Paper 21.1.2019Café Barock;Forum Box, Gräsvikskajen 3a, 00180 Helsingfors
What You Will - Shakespeares sonetter och scenisk musik 13.11.2018Musikteatern Kapsäkki, Tavastvägen 68, 00550 Helsingfors
Superborea 29.6.2018Kapsäkki goes Pride!;Musikteatern Kapsäkki, Tavastvägen 68, 00550 Helsingfors
If All the World Were Paper 23.5.2018Korjaamon Vintti, Tölögatan 51 a–b, 00250 Helsingfors